— Ireland’s leading specialists in bespoke residential cost control. We adhere to a process that ensures that we consistently achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients, whilst allowing us the flexibility to adapt to the unique aspects of every project.
- Preparation of a detailed budget estimate.
This will be based on the planning drawings and will be measured on a schedule of works basis giving an elemental breakdown using current market rates. Our experience in preparing many recent budget forecasts and tender documents means we have established an extensive database of contractors, suppliers and rates. - Attend meetings to review and advise.
- Preparation of a digital Bill of Quantities and Form of Tender for tendering.
This will be a detailed document setting out the quantities and specifications for the works as described by the architect and engineers. This will ensure that all builders are quoting on the same basis and that all items of work are included in their price and will become the control document for tender comparison. - Pricing of Bill of Quantities at tender stage to create budget.
- Prepare and issue a Tender Report along with a recommendation. This report will set out the results of the tenders, report on cost checks and reconcile the lowest price achieved with the budget.
- Examine tender, negotiate with a preferred contractor and report back.
- Advise on potential cost savings and value engineering
- Advise on contractor selection.
Pre-Contract Stage
- Monthly Payments.
We will attend site and examine monthly claims submitted by the contractor to ensure that there are no overpayments during the works. We will prepare and issue a recommendation for payment. - Continuous monitoring of all costs on site.
- We will again review our database of suppliers, sub-contractors, materials and alternatives for quotations for fixtures and fittings for the project e.g. windows, joinery, tiling, kitchens, flooring, sanitary fittings. This will ensure you are achieving any possible cost savings.
- Prepare a Final Account and Report.
Upon completion of the works, we will assist the Architect in negotiating the total cost of the project with the Contractor and report back to you on the final cost.